citizen scientists are sometimes said to have more biases than academic scientists, but is that true? Some biases are related to career pressure, which citizen scientists do not have.
In this talk I present a list of biases, and analyse which ones are more likely to occur in citizen science and which in academic science.
Sunday January 26
16:00-16:20, spullenlab

With every successful LoraWAN project comes the need for improving network coverage. TTN Mapper is a handy tool that helps us identify the black spots on the coverage map.
In this lecture, we will go through everything you need to start mapping the LoraWAN coverage in your area. We'll have a look at the technical stack (nodes, mobile apps, console, and frontend) and consider different hardware options.
Feel free to bring your LoRa-compatible nodes (RAK, Pycom, ESP32, Arduino, Dragino, etc.)! You might be up and running during or shortly after the workshop.
Saturday January 25
12:00-12:45, fablab

Since october 2019 50 citizen of Amersfoort are measuring airquality, temperature, humidity and even the roughness of the cyclepaths during their daily cycling activity with a mobile sensingdevice. They share this initiative of the province of Utrecht with ca 450 other inhabitants of Utrecht. The presentation will give a brief overview of the collected data sofar.
Saturday January 25
14:00-14:45, fablab

Apart from doing the stuff of science (gathering knowledge according to certain standards) the various citizen science initiatives also account for so many ways of organizing the process of doing science. Many alternatives are developing for selecting (or not selecting) team members, collaborating, making ends meet and keeping motivation high.
This can lead to a culture clash between institutions and grass roots initiatives. In this session I want to explore what can be learned from the myriad ways people are involved in the arts, and discuss possible tokens of trust that can facilitate collaboration across the board.
Saturday January 25
10:00-10:45, fablab

In this session I would like to present a first prototype floating sensor for surface waters. Aim of the session is to discuss use cases, think about all the sensor that would be nice to include, improvements on the casing and do some first experiments: e.g. what's the LORA range of a device positioned just above the water?
Sunday January 26
11:00-11:45, spullenlab

In the meet-je-stad project we have been building our own measurement device to which we can connect sensors and allow ourselves to measure our environment. But we still depend on the availability of sensors. What if we can bould our own?
A spectrometer measures the intensity of light across a wavelength spectrum. It’s not just a fun apparatus that allows you to see the differences in spectrum between light sources, but it is also the basis for various sensors, including very advanced ones. In this session we are going to try and build a Do It Yourself spectrometer ourselves using some cheap materials (LEGO!) and simple raspberry pi camera and see what can we measure and how we can build on it further.
Sunday January 26
14:00-17:00, fablab
Wouldn't it be great to make an app that displays the temperature of the sensor in your garden? Or that reminds you that it's time to water your plants? Well, that is something for part two of this workshop.
In part one you learn to make a very simple app that is of no use whatsoever, but it does give you a basis of programming for Android and familiarizes you with the programming environment Android Studio.
Please bring your laptop, and sign up with
Sunday January 26
10:00-13:00, fablab

SMAL Zeist is a Citizen Science initiative that teams up with Meet-je-stad, and has been measuring air quality for over 2 years now.
In this round-table session we want to share and discuss the most recent insights.
The selected subjects will be based on the interests of the participants:
* Experiences with an off-grid solar-powered air quality measurement station
* Picking the right placement for your air quality measurement station
* Challenges with an off-grid solar-powered LoRaWAN gateway
* Experiences with the TTN LoRaWAN Indoor Gateway
* What other applications can make use of the deployed LoRaWAN network?
* How to mix/blend the data of multiple Citizen Science initiatives in an automated way
* Sharing development ideas for 2020
* Working with team-energy (maintain flow, personal motivation, available time, produce actual results and manage expectations)
* Differences between Citizen Science initiatives on culture, organization, visibility and technological choices
Saturday January 25
14:45-15:30, fablab

I will bring station 68, an experimental setup based upon the first MJS hardware. Just to inspire!
Saturday January 25
10:00-17:00, fablab

Graphical presentation of temperature, humidity and PM measurements made with meetjestad nodes.
Presentation of measurement setups and their results.
If you bring your laptop, you can watch the graphs in a higher resolution.
Saturday January 25
16:15-17:00, fablab

About 30 measurement kits are active to do airquality measurements near houses and nearby farms using LoRaWan as communication base. Explained is the design of the PyCom ESP based kits, the choice of dust, gps and meteo sensors and problems using solar as energy source.
The presentation will cover visualisation of measurements, calibration, and how we meet the difference in goals from national overview to local overview, from local citizens to local government to farmers.
Saturday January 25
15:30-16:15, fablab

Two dreams on a Sense Data Exchange Format and on an Open Data Hosting
Saturday January 25
17:00-17:30, fablab

The first-ever plant-powered sensor has successfully transmitted to a satellite in space. The plant is powered by Plant-e and communicates with Lacuna Space. The plant will be a guest of honour at Meetkoppel this year, and Daniel and Thomas will tell us how it works. We will also review the hackathon 'Connecting MjS to Lacuna Space'.
Sunday January 26
10:00-10:45, spullenlab
In this session we will try to get the Meet je Stad hardware connected to the Lacuna Space satellite. Please join if you feel you have the software or hardeware skills to contribute.
Friday January 24
10:00-17:00, kantoor
During the Technasium project students build a measuring station. Do research by bike into the conditions in their city. Conduct desk research and provide advice to the municipality on climate adaptation measures.
Sunday January 26
12:00-12:45, spullenlab

Why do local and national authorities launch these initiatives? Why do people want to measure air quality and want to participate? What do both stakeholder groups expect from each other (and are they aware of this)?
Presentation/discussion based on the experiences of DCMR (EPA Rotterdam) and RIVM (National Institute Health&Environment).
• A monitoring experiment with passive NO2 samplers with 200+ participants (2019) in Rotterdam and some other experiments elsewhere in the Netherlands.
• Choice of pollutant and the monitoring method and what the participants felt about it.
• Reason to participate, expectations from the results; objectives the local and national authorities.
Saturday January 25
11:00-11:45, fablab

Wie heeft de kennis en materialen en vindt het leuk om samen een regelapparaat voor mijn keramiekoven te bouwen?
De regelaar heeft als functie:
De oven te besturen, verschillende programma's en stookcurves in te stellen, dus perioden en temperaturen.
Inzicht in het stookproces.
Oven op timer aan kunnen zetten.
Evt foutmeldingen uitlezen.
Al aanwezig: thermokoppel + digital controller SR91
Friday January 24
10:00-17:00, fablab
Why do some volunteers spend countless hours analyzing images of space? Or count butterflies along the same route for 15 years? Or buy expensive sensors to monitor air quality? This presentation will discuss research conducted on citizen science participation based on a systematic literature review. Included will be challenges of generalizing the results, practical recommendations from research, limitations and next steps. Information will also be included on ACTION, an EU funded project aiming to transform how citizen science is performed.
Sunday January 26
15:00-15:45, spullenlab
In this short presentation, I would like to introduce my ongoing research as part of the master thesis at the Utrecht University about contribution of citizen science to climate adaptation governance of cities. For this I am assessing impact of adaptation-related citizen science projects around Europe on adaptive capacities of the cities where they take place. This research thus poses the questions about climate adaptation at the science-policy-society interface and what role does citizen science play or might play in such future endeavors.
Sunday January 26
14:00-14:45, spullenlab
Time to share the outcome of various hackathons and brainstorms that took place over the weekend, announce plans and new collaborations and start organising next edition of Meetkoppel.
Sunday January 26
16:20-17:00, spullenlab
We start the day with a nice breakfast in good company.
Saturday January 25
09:00-09:45, binnentuin
Sunday January 26
09:00-10:00, binnentuin

Saturday January 25
13:00-14:00, binnentuin
Sunday January 26
13:00-14:00, binnentuin
Saturday January 25
17:00-18:00, binnentuin
Sunday January 26
17:00-18:00, binnentuin